Feed on His Word.

While visiting my friend and partaking of several meals, over a period of time, Her dog Yogi, sat close to me, and waited patiently to be fed. He sometimes reminded me that he was waiting, by intensely looking at my mouth and by rubbing his nose on my hand, while anxiously wagging his tail. Sometime later, while reading Matthew 4:4 "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Yogi, came to mind. Whenever I ate, Yogi made sure, he sat as close as he could, in anticipation of getting some food. I then asked myself, "how often do we anxiously sit at the feet of Jesus to receive the words coming from His mouth? Or how often do we sit with our Bibles and anxiously read its contents to receive the words from our Father's mouth? Words that are not only life giving, but words full of wisdom, direction and truth? We have often allow ourselves, to become so busy going after things to enhance our lives, that we stay away from the very thing that we need to enrich our lives-the word of God. When we feed on God's word, it becomes our strength and support, and in times of need, trouble, sickness and disaster, it is there as our anchor: God's word holds us in place-preventing us from being uprooted by the storms of life. I can testify today, that I am alive, and healed of lupus because of the word of God and God's healing power manifested in my life. The word of God says, "man shall not live by bread alone"-we do not only live by the things our jobs provide for us or by the things our money can buy, but by the words coming from the mouth of God -The Bible. Let's make the time to go to God, with thanksgiving, excitement and anticipation, saying, "Lord, I thank you for your word. Today, I anxiously come to your table, with great expectancy to receive the riches you have waiting for me in your word." Yogi the dog, was present at mealtime, anxiously wagging his tail, with the expectation of receiving some good food. We can learn a thing or two from Yogi, don't you think?